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How to Set Wordpess Auto Post.

A WordPress is a web application  system, best system for blog development, most blogger prefer  wordpress to blogger and every other blog development systems. as it is user friendly, best for bloggers who don't  like getting  their hands dirty (edicting codes).
 One of the many features of a WordPress blog are  plugins, With which you can customize and update your blog to fit your standard.
The auto post plugin is used to automate posting of Draft post even when you are offline, so you can write them in advance and then choose when the posting should show on your blogs.


                                             How to Install the Plugin

step-1: On your wordpress admin dashboard. click on Plugin,  click on add new, in the search box type "Auto Posts'.

step-2: Click "install" and save the zip file.

step-3: Go to the WordPress home page and select "Plugins" from the top menu. Select "Activate" next to the Auto Post Posts pluging.

Setting an Auto Post

step-1: After Writing your blog post, click the "Options" menu.

step-2: Navigate to Auto Post field under "Options." Enter  in seconds, the time you want your blog post to automatically post in under "Time between posts."

step-3:  Select "Yes - activate auto posting" under "Activate Auto Posting." select "Save" to set the post to automatically post at the chosen time.
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