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The power of ICT

Considering the ict literacy statistic of Nigerian students, we are far behind the world of technology. Most Nigerian student fail cbt exams not because they are ‘dull’ but sometimes because they are not properly trained on the use of computer. While some will have to sacrifice a year or two {after there secondary education} for the so called ‘computer training ‘which might sometimes delay their education.

Mark was classified has an illiterate but at age 19, he created the largest social media, Bill gate was classified an illiterate but at age 13, he designed the most used operating system. Now the question is, if this two people who had such vast knowledge in ICT where regarded as illiterate, what do we call those without knowledge of ict?

You would agree with me that the illiterate of the future wont be those who can not read and write, but those who have not joined the moving trend of ICT, Our future depends on it.

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